Hereford needs fare-free buses

Plans for a fare-free bus service in Hereford should be welcomed. And if implemented in the right way it has the potential to bring real benefits to our city, not least in reducing the number of cars on the roads.

Initial plans show Hereford City Council is hoping to run a free service from the train station, through town to the swimming baths.

Let's hope those are just the first details to be released because, to be effective, buses from all areas of the city will have to be free. And services must be increased in frequency too. People won't consider leaving their car at home if the buses simply don't run often enough.

Many other cities around the world already operate free public transport systems, and last year Luxembourg became the first country to make all its buses, trams and trains free to use.

A system like this could increase footfall in the city centre and put cash back in people's pockets as they leave the car at home. And fewer cars on the roads mean traffic can benefit from decreased congestion and faster road speeds, fewer accidents and easier parking for those that need to drive.

Let's make this a Hereford success story.


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