Better sex education needed in local schools

A sex and relationship teaching resource used by St Mary's high school in Lugwardine is causing serious concern among councillors, reports the Hereford Times.

'A Fertile Heart' is used by the school as part of its sex eduction programme. It teaches that contraception is wrong, gay sex is wrong and that those in queer relationships should not marry.

It also says that men were ‘created to initiate sexual relationships’ and women to be ‘receiver-responders’. Excuse me?

That these attitudes exist in society is disgusting. That they are still being actively taught as fact in our schools is absolutely disgraceful.

As a former St Mary's pupil, I remember being taught the same message 20 years ago. Sex education lessons were given by the anti-abortion charity, Life, and the versions of family and relationships they promoted were bigoted and outdated, even by 1990s standards. It doesn't sound like much has changed.

It is wrong that schools are allowed to preach a religious doctrine to children of any age. It is wrong that they should be allowed to teach that gay relationships are abnormal. And it is wrong that schools, under the guise of 'Catholic teaching', can still get away with casting women as submissive objects, there to be used by the man, according to his needs and never hers.

Fuck this bullshit!

We need our schools to be teaching a sex and relationship education that is fit for the 21st century: pro-queer, pro-feminist and sex-positive.

Because if you've fallen in love with someone who is the same gender as you then that's normal. If your three children are enough and you want to start using contraception then that is your right. And if, sister, you want to take the initiative in the bedroom and climb on top of him tonight—because your useless-ass boyfriend doesn't give you the love and attention you deserve—then you go ahead!

We are a rainbow.


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