✔ Plans are in place to build thousands of new, energy-efficient council houses in Herefordshire. ✔ Community litter-pickers, like Hereford Community Clean Up Group, are continuing to take pride in their areas and are cleaning up our county, one crisp packet at a time. ✔ A project partnership between Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and Extinction Rebellion Herefordshire is planting one million trees across the Marches. ✔ Herefordshire Council is refurbishing homes to house rough-sleepers. ✔ Community groups like The Living Room are stepping in to feed people in need, while a wealth of mutual aid initiatives like Aymestry's Good Neighbour Scheme are active around Herefordshire, providing support for their neighbours. ✔ Hereford Community Land Trust are looking at building a new artists' and makers' quarter in the Aubrey Street–Berrington Street area of Hereford, transferring privately-owned land into community ownership. ✔ A revolutionary new fare-free electric bus system is be...
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