Million tree-planting project kicks off across Marches

One thousand oak trees were distributed last week in the first step of a plan to plant a million trees across the Marches.

The project is a partnership between Extinction Rebellion, Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, local landowners and parish councils in the Marches and was inspired by #StumpUpForTrees in the Brecon Beacons.

“Over the next decade we’re hoping to double the number of trees we plant each year, so that together we'll plant a million trees by 2030,” said project coordinator David Gillam, from Golden Valley Extinction Rebellion.

Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s Andrew Nixon said: “It is great to be part of this initiative to give advice on the hows and whys of tree planting. From urban and garden trees to orchards and woodlands we’re certainly keen to see more trees in Herefordshire to tackle both the climate and ecological emergencies.

"The Herefordshire landscape should be a mix of beautiful, wildlife-rich habitats – meadows, wetlands, orchards, heaths and woodlands – we need to see more of all of these for the benefit of both wildlife and people.”

Planting a tree is something we can all do to help wildlife and our climate. We simply need to do a lot more of it.

#WilderHerefordshire #StumpUpForTrees #ClimateEmergency


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